
... 47:36MINS

Special Series - An Unholy Alliance: Monks and the Military in Myanmar


Special Series - An Unholy Alliance: Monks and the Military in Myanmar

Is the joining of forces between radical Buddhist monks and generals threatening Myanmar's young and fragile democracy?

... 47:29MINS

Special Series - Twice a Victim: How Have Attacks Affected Muslims in Europe?


Special Series - Twice a Victim: How Have Attacks Affected Muslims in Europe?

As attacks continue to be linked to Islam, European Muslims share their stories of loss, discrimination and identity.

... 49:13MINS

REWIND - Islam In America


REWIND - Islam In America

A decade ago, we travelled across the US to explore the roots and influence of Islam in pre-Trump America.

... 47:02MINS

The Crusades - Liberation: Acre and the End of the Crusades - Part 4


The Crusades - Liberation: Acre and the End of the Crusades - Part 4

From the Third Crusade to the siege of Acre: How the crusader presence in the Holy Land was brought to an end.

... 47:54MINS

The Crusades - Unification: Saladin and the Fall of Jerusalem - Part 3


The Crusades - Unification: Saladin and the Fall of Jerusalem - Part 3

We explore how Salah Ed-Din unified the Muslim states and recaptured the holy city of Jerusalem from the crusaders.

... 47:01MINS

The Crusades - Revival: The Muslim Response to the Crusades - Part 2


The Crusades - Revival: The Muslim Response to the Crusades - Part 2

This part of 'The Crusades: An Arab Perspective' explores the birth of the Muslim revival in the face of the Crusades.

... 47:10MINS

The Crusades - Shock: The First Crusade and the Conquest of Jerusalem - Part 1


The Crusades - Shock: The First Crusade and the Conquest of Jerusalem - Part 1

Background to the holy wars and the First Crusade's conquest of Jerusalem, a holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims.

... 25:10MINS

Fault Lines - Church of Trump


Fault Lines - Church of Trump

An insight into the Trump administration's relationship with the religious right and implications for US politics.

... 24:56MINS

UpFront - Is Modi's India heading down a dangerous path?


UpFront - Is Modi's India heading down a dangerous path?

We speak to Indian MP Shashi Tharoor, and ask a member of Turkey's AK party about Erdogan's clampdown on the media.

... 45:10MINS

Al Jazeera World - Ramadan in Kenya


Al Jazeera World - Ramadan in Kenya

An intimate look at the holy month of Ramadan through the eyes of Muslims living in a predominantly Christian country.

... ShortMINS

UpFront - Is religion to blame for violence?


UpFront - Is religion to blame for violence?

In a special on religion, we speak to Karen Armstrong and debate New Atheism with Lawrence Krauss and Greg Epstein.

... 43:52MINS

Al Jazeera World - The Israeli Dervish


Al Jazeera World - The Israeli Dervish

We follow one man as he becomes the only Israeli granted access to the inner sanctum of the Whirling Dervish order.

... 25:00MINS

Viewfinder - Monk by Blood


Viewfinder - Monk by Blood

One young Japanese struggles with his destiny as the next in line to take over his family's 800-year old temple.

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