Al Jazeera World

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... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - The Great Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece


Al Jazeera World - The Great Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece

The lasting legacy of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

... 44:42MINS

Al Jazeera World - Journalism is Not a Crime: The Story of Mahmoud Hussein


Al Jazeera World - Journalism is Not a Crime: The Story of Mahmoud Hussein

A look at the case of Al Jazeera journalist Mahmoud Hussein and his continued detention without trial in Egypt.

... 47:15MINS

Al Jazeera World - Syria: In the Ruins of a Dream


Al Jazeera World - Syria: In the Ruins of a Dream

Five Syrians reflect on the devastation wrought on their homes, some of which took a lifetime to build.

... 47:36MINS

Al Jazeera World - The last Nomads of Morocco


Al Jazeera World - The last Nomads of Morocco

Morocco's nomadic tribes are gradually giving up their traditional way of life to offer their children formal education.

... 44:00MINS

Al Jazeera World - Egypt's Women Street Sellers


Al Jazeera World - Egypt's Women Street Sellers

The stories of five Egyptian village women supporting their entire families by selling local produce in the markets.

... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - Seven Days in Beirut


Al Jazeera World - Seven Days in Beirut

An British man spends one week in a Palestinian refugee camp where thousands have lived, stateless, since 1948.

... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - Lebanon: Single by Choice


Al Jazeera World - Lebanon: Single by Choice

Why are so many Lebanese women single? Five women share their stories of love, life and marriage in Lebanon.

... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - Shahira: My Syrian Friend


Al Jazeera World - Shahira: My Syrian Friend

The story of an unusual friendship between a Lebanese filmmaker and a young Syrian refugee girl.

... 47:26MINS

Al Jazeera World - Senegal's Sinking Villages


Al Jazeera World - Senegal's Sinking Villages

Global climate change and an engineering 'quick fix' have created an ecological disaster on Senegal's Atlantic coast.

... 48:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - The Last Shepherds of the Jordan Valley


Al Jazeera World - The Last Shepherds of the Jordan Valley

Palestinian Bedouins in the Israeli-occupied Jordan Valley struggle to cling on to an age-old way of life.

... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - The Journey from Agadir to Dakar


Al Jazeera World - The Journey from Agadir to Dakar

Two drivers trek 3,000 kilometres across the desert, risking life and limb to deliver a payload against the clock.

... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - The Hundred Million Dollar Home


Al Jazeera World - The Hundred Million Dollar Home

A Palestinian man stubbornly refuses to sell his Hebron home to Israeli buyers at any price.

... 43:39MINS

Al Jazeera World - Lessons from the Golden Era of Andalusia


Al Jazeera World - Lessons from the Golden Era of Andalusia

A university teacher leads a group of students to Andalusia to explore cross-cultural and interfaith understanding.

... 45:56MINS

Al Jazeera World - The Widows' Sanctuary in Lebanon


Al Jazeera World - The Widows' Sanctuary in Lebanon

The story of a refuge that is reserved purely for widows who are unable to support themselves financially.

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