Rebel Geeks

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... 24:58MINS

Rebel Geeks - Hacking Madrid


Rebel Geeks - Hacking Madrid

Can a technological revolution overcome Spain's deeply entrenched political elite?

... 25:00MINS

Rebel Geeks - A Bigger Brother


Rebel Geeks - A Bigger Brother

Two cyber activists are creating a smartphone app so activists in Rio de Janeiro can securely document police violence.

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Rebel Geeks - The Citizens' Network


Rebel Geeks - The Citizens' Network

How Bolivia is asserting its political and economic independence by setting up an entirely homemade Internet network.

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Rebel Geeks - Give Us Back Our Data


Rebel Geeks - Give Us Back Our Data

Evgeny Morozov decodes the digital landscape to show how new technologies provide a smokescreen for a huge power shift.

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Rebel Geeks - Steal from the Capitalists


Rebel Geeks - Steal from the Capitalists

As the Twitter co-creator returns to activism, his fellow hackers question the techniques he brings from Silicon Valley.

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Rebel Geeks - Meet Your Maker


Rebel Geeks - Meet Your Maker

How Massimo Banzi's Arduino microcontroller enabled thousands of people to build everything from toys to drones.

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Rebel Geeks - The Critical Engineers


Rebel Geeks - The Critical Engineers

A team of artist hackers set out to expose the devices spying on us by sending a balloon to the edge of space.

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