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... 47:25MINS

Al Jazeera World - Noam Chomsky: Knowledge and Power


Al Jazeera World - Noam Chomsky: Knowledge and Power

An in-depth look at the work and views of the man described as 'one of the greatest minds in human history'.

... 47:01MINS

Al Jazeera World - Born in '48


Al Jazeera World - Born in '48

Five women, Israeli and Palestinian, born in the same year but irreconcilably divided by history and events.

... 25:16MINS

UpFront - Should Israel negotiate with Hamas?


UpFront - Should Israel negotiate with Hamas?

We speak with an ex-Mossad chief and debate the US-Pakistan relationship with former heads of intelligence gathering.

... 46:52MINS

Al Jazeera World - Life in the shadows: Palestinians in Lebanon


Al Jazeera World - Life in the shadows: Palestinians in Lebanon

Decades after migrating to Lebanon, more than 250,000 Palestinians are still denied basic social and economic rights.

... 25:00MINS

Walls of Shame - West Bank Separation Wall


Walls of Shame - West Bank Separation Wall

A look at one of the most controversial walls in the world today.

... 46:59MINS

Al Jazeera World - Area C


Al Jazeera World - Area C

Instead of transferring to Palestinian control, the biggest 'Area' in the West Bank remains firmly in Israeli hands.

... 47:30MINS

Witness - Gaza Fixer: A Chronicle of Survival


Witness - Gaza Fixer: A Chronicle of Survival

Can news fixer and six-time war survivor Raed Athamneh recover once more after Israel's 2014 war on Gaza?

... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - Return to Morocco


Al Jazeera World - Return to Morocco

The story of Morocco's Jewish community told from the perspective of those who have left, stayed or are now returning.

... 45:10MINS

Al Jazeera World - Stories From The Intifada - Part 1


Al Jazeera World - Stories From The Intifada - Part 1

A look at the 1987-1993 Palestinian uprising, or First Intifada, through the eyes of those who lived through it.

... 46:25MINS

Al Jazeera World - The Deportees


Al Jazeera World - The Deportees

The stories of Palestinians deported from Israel between 1977 and 2012, their lives in exile and their longing for home.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Gaza: Deadly Assaults


People & Power - Gaza: Deadly Assaults

People & Power investigates two deadly attacks by the Israeli army during the 2014 war on Gaza.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Boycott Israel


People & Power - Boycott Israel

Can an international boycott of Israeli goods and services help end its occupation of Palestinian lands?

... 25:00MINS

Rebel Architecture - Israel: The architecture of violence


Rebel Architecture - Israel: The architecture of violence

Eyal Weizman explains architecture's key role in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the evolution of urban warfare.

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