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... 47:32MINS

The Slum - Deliverance


The Slum - Deliverance

As a birth attendant advocating for family planning, Remy is on the frontline of Tondo's battle with overcrowding.

... 25:10MINS

101 East - Drugged up Pakistan


101 East - Drugged up Pakistan

With more than six million drug users and rising, can Pakistan win its fight against the billion-dollar narcotics trade?

... 47:28MINS

The Slum - For Love or Money


The Slum - For Love or Money

Staying fit and healthy is not easy in a slum, and many residents must perform a delicate balancing act to get by.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Albania's missing children


People & Power - Albania's missing children

People & Power investigates the sinister disappearance of 500 Albanian 'street' children from a Greek State orphanage.

... 25:15MINS

101 East - The cost of beauty


101 East - The cost of beauty

101 East delves into Korea's plastic surgery craze and uncovers the real price of pursuing physical perfection.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - The Baltic and the Bear


People & Power - The Baltic and the Bear

We investigate why the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are nervous about Russia's regional ambitions.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Gaza: Deadly Assaults


People & Power - Gaza: Deadly Assaults

People & Power investigates two deadly attacks by the Israeli army during the 2014 war on Gaza.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Afghanistan: Drawdown


People & Power - Afghanistan: Drawdown

As the US draws back its combat forces from Afghanistan, what will they leave behind?

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Outcast: Adrift with Burma's Rohingya


People & Power - Outcast: Adrift with Burma's Rohingya

Persecuted Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar face a dangerous journey on their way to freedom in Thailand and Malaysia.

... 25:00MINS

Viewfinder - My Dancing Heart


Viewfinder - My Dancing Heart

Across Mexico, older women are dancing to defy the heartache of loneliness and the pain of lost youth.

... 25:00MINS

Viewfinder - Macau's Future Gamble


Viewfinder - Macau's Future Gamble

In the world's richest casino city, Macau, 18-year-old student Chi-on is gambling with his education.

... 25:00MINS

Viewfinder - Hashims School of Hope


Viewfinder - Hashims School of Hope

One man in Malaysia struggles to keep his religious school open to accommodate the influx of Myanmar's refugee children.

... 26:00MINS

People & Power - Red Gold and Black Blood


People & Power - Red Gold and Black Blood

People & Power investigates the use of exploited labour in Italy’s famous tomato industry.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Jamaica's Silent Children


People & Power - Jamaica's Silent Children

An investigation into the high rate of child sex abuse in Jamaica and the government's failure to protect its children.

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