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... 25:01MINS

UpFront - Is #MeToo a West-only movement?


UpFront - Is #MeToo a West-only movement?

Mona Eltahawy, Ranjana Kumari and Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah debate the global effect of the anti sexual harassment campaign.

... 25:05MINS

UpFront - Will a ‘third intifada’ help the Palestinian Cause?


UpFront - Will a ‘third intifada’ help the Palestinian Cause?

We speak to PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat, and Glenn Greenwald and Christine Fair debate the US drone programme.

... 24:06MINS

Fault Lines - One Day in Charkh


Fault Lines - One Day in Charkh

We travel to Afghanistan to investigate the deaths of 15 civilians killed during a joint US-ANSF military operation.

... 24:51MINS

Fault Lines - US: Lost in the System


Fault Lines - US: Lost in the System

Fault Lines investigates the practice of pretrial detention and how American courts are failing the poor.

... 25:02MINS

People & Power - Voters' Rights: What's Happening to American Democracy? - Part 1


People & Power - Voters' Rights: What's Happening to American Democracy? - Part 1

We investigate how the erosion of democracy in the US is being revealed by the 2016 presidential campaign.

... 25:00MINS

Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Food Chain Slaves


Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Food Chain Slaves

It is a nation built on the abolition of slavery, but there are at least 40,000 slaves in the US today.

... 25:00MINS

Walls of Shame - The US-Mexico Border Wall


Walls of Shame - The US-Mexico Border Wall

A look at the physical barriers and policies that separate the US from Mexico.

... 47:33MINS

Head to Head - Pakistan: Victim or exporter of terrorism?


Head to Head - Pakistan: Victim or exporter of terrorism?

General Asad Durrani, the former head of the ISI, Pakistan's notorious spy agency, on its role in the "War on Terror".

... 47:46MINS

Featured Documentary - Crude harvest: Selling Mexico's oil


Featured Documentary - Crude harvest: Selling Mexico's oil

Mexico may be hitting the perfect storm when it opens its energy resources to foreign investors.

... 47:34MINS

Empire - Obama and Media: The Mystery


Empire - Obama and Media: The Mystery

Empire goes to Washington DC to demystify the relationship between political power and the media in the US.

... 25:00MINS

101 East - East Meets Tech


101 East - East Meets Tech

101 East heads to Silicon Valley to investigate the Asian influence on America's high-tech boom.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Afghanistan: Drawdown


People & Power - Afghanistan: Drawdown

As the US draws back its combat forces from Afghanistan, what will they leave behind?

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - The Tech Threat - Part 2


People & Power - The Tech Threat - Part 2

As automation gets cheaper than the cost of labour, developing economies are being hit the hardest.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - The Tech Threat - Part 1


People & Power - The Tech Threat - Part 1

Are advances in artificial intelligence, robotics and other technologies leading to fewer jobs and more inequality?

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