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... 25:00MINS

Witness - Pakistan: No Place Like Home


Witness - Pakistan: No Place Like Home

A Pakistani cotton farmer travels to Dubai to make his fortune but soon discovers he wants more from life than money.

... 43:45MINS

Al Jazeera World - Hijabi fashion in Turkey


Al Jazeera World - Hijabi fashion in Turkey

An insight into the glamorous world of hijabi fashion and how it reflects social change in Turkey.

... 44:32MINS

Al Jazeera World - People of the Nile


Al Jazeera World - People of the Nile

Two families live and work on small fishing boats but dream of one day living on dry land.

... 24:58MINS

Witness - Citizen lawyer


Witness - Citizen lawyer

The city's masses in eastern China turn to an unusual legal advocate to settle their cases.

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Witness - A Marrakech Tale


Witness - A Marrakech Tale

Master storyteller Ahmed Ezzarghani and apprentice Sara are fighting to keep the Moroccan storytelling tradition alive.

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People & Power - Western Jihadis in Syria


People & Power - Western Jihadis in Syria

People & Power meets young Muslims who have abandoned the West to fight in Syria.

... 47:30MINS

Witness - Gaza Fixer: A Chronicle of Survival


Witness - Gaza Fixer: A Chronicle of Survival

Can news fixer and six-time war survivor Raed Athamneh recover once more after Israel's 2014 war on Gaza?

... 25:00MINS

Witness - Seizing Solar Power


Witness - Seizing Solar Power

One Latin American woman's quest to harness the power of the southern sun.

... 47:30MINS

Al Jazeera World - Return to Morocco


Al Jazeera World - Return to Morocco

The story of Morocco's Jewish community told from the perspective of those who have left, stayed or are now returning.

... 43:53MINS

Al Jazeera World - Ceuta: Multicultural city


Al Jazeera World - Ceuta: Multicultural city

In an autonomous Spanish city on the north coast of Africa, people of four religions live together in peace.

... 25:00MINS

People & Power - Georgia: Corridor of power


People & Power - Georgia: Corridor of power

Can the Republic of Georgia remain aloof from Russian expansionism or will internal division drag it towards conflict?

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Africa Investigates - Zimbabwe: Stealing Lives


Africa Investigates - Zimbabwe: Stealing Lives

Exposing the trade in stolen drugs that is costing the lives of tens of thousands of HIV/AIDS sufferers in Zimbabwe.

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Africa Investigates - Nigeria's Fake Doctors


Africa Investigates - Nigeria's Fake Doctors

Two journalists go undercover to delve into the disturbing world of West Africa's quack doctors.

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Witness - Struggle of a Russian Samaritan


Witness - Struggle of a Russian Samaritan

One good Samaritan is dedicated to ending the pattern of indifference towards domestic violence in her community.

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